All posts by Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy

Week 2 : Friday May 1st

Daily Temperature

  • 7 Degrees(am) { consistent weather} 

Cloud Coverage

  • Slightly cloudy with slight peeks of sun.

Catch Volume ( How many Bugs were found)

  • The bug activity has exceeded our expectations , when we first started our bug activity was very slow and we would only advance by a mere 10 bugs and now we have almost reached 100.

Notes  (Trap disturbances)

What a great way to end off our second week , we have advanced in our bug activity and almost reached 100 bugs , good job !


Week 2 : Thursday April 30th

Daily Temperature

  • 8 Degrees (am)

Cloud Coverage

  • Today we experienced mild cloud coverage but during the day the sun began to peek out from behind those clouds.

Catch volume(How many bugs were caught)

  • we discovered 72 bugs today.

Notes ( Trap disturbances)

We had a slight break in our bug activity , but we are slowly getting back on track.


Week 2 : Wednesday , April 29

Daily Temperature

  • 7 degrees (am)

Cloud coverage

  • The could coverage was minimum to none.

Catch Volume ( How many bugs were found)

  • On this day we discovered 65 bugs , so there was some bug activity but not much.

Notes ( Trap Disturbances )

Although we did collect some bugs today there wasn’t a very large increase in the number of bugs collected.


Week 2 : Tuesday , April 28th

Daily Temperature

  • 7 Degrees

Cloud coverage

  • mostly sunny

Catch Volume  ( How many bugs were found)

  • Today we discovered 62! bugs in our malaise trap in the court yard.

Notes( Trap Disturbances)

  • Due to the warmer weather mid day we discovered a lot more insects in our Malaise trap. We are starting to notice a pattern in our data with regards to the warmer weather and bug activity. When the weather is warmer we collect more bugs and when it is colder outside it seems as if the bugs don’t come outside as much so there is no bug activity or very little if there is any.

Week 1 : Friday , April 24th

Daily High Temperature

  • 6 Degrees


Cloud Coverage

  • Overcast ( 90 % cloud coverage)

Catch volume ( How many insects were found)

  • Today we discovered 28! insects.

Notes ( Trap Disturbances )

Another cold and wet day , but our ” bug catching” was not interrupted. We ended  the week one on a positive note and collected more bugs than we had done all week.  Good job Team (: !!

Week 1 : Wednesday , April 22nd

Daily High Temperature

  •  5 Degrees

Cloud coverage

  • Very cloudy ( 80% cloud coverage)

Catch volume ( How many bugs were captured )

  • the total catch number for today was 20! insects.

Notes ( Trap Disturbances )

  • Today was a very cold day , although some would think a cold day calls for very little bug activity that theory was proven wrong today with all the bugs that we found(: