CMS Observations Week 1

For the last week our class has been going outside to set up a tent, check on it, and take it down. For the first day we set the tent, it was a sunny day and there were many bugs out that day. Putting up the tent was a challenge at first, but the people who had practiced how to set up the tent came and helped. For the next few days we have been going out to the tent to check the levels of bugs, on the first day that we checked it, it was at 0.5. The second day it was at 1, the third time it was at 2. It was also at two on the fourth day.bug photo

We found that on the more rainy days we found that the bottle appeared to have more bugs in it, we think this because on the third day there where the most bugs in the bottle. When it was at level 2 it had roughly 25 to 50 bugs. And it stayed like that on day four. On the most recent day it was very wet, all of our feet got wet and it was raining a little bit but it wasn’t pouring.

We have the tent set up in between two poles and a tree, we have tape wrapped around the poles, this way kids from the school won’t go near it and possibly mess up the experiment. We usually do the tent during the morning hours, so that means that it’s never going to be the hottest hour of the day when we are outside. This shouldn’t have a big effect on the experiment because there usually aren’t any bugs around when we do it.Tent

Most of the bugs that we are getting are either giant bugs that seem to look like mosquitoes, we are also getting smaller flies. On one of the days there was a wasp in the bottle. It showed up in the bottle on the hotter day of the week, that was day two.

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