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Archives de catégorie : School Malaise Trap Program
(English) Trap is set … in the Garden??
(English) John T. Tuck Malaise Trap
(English) Finally here!
Malheureusement, nous avons eu une interruption de service de courriel à partir d’environ 6pm HNE le mercredi 22 juin jusqu’au lundi 27 juin. Si vous nous avez envoyé votre formulaire d’inscription pour l’édition Automne 2016 du programme ou tout autre correspondance durant cette période, veuillez l’envoyer à nouveau. Notre adresse de courriel est info@malaiseprogram.ca. Nous confirmerons avec vous dans un maximum de 5 jours (mais généralement beaucoup plus tôt!) que nous l’avons reçu. Nous sommes vraiment désolé pour l’inconvénience.
Final Trap Day
Our research period has come to an end. The research team did a final meeting and dismantled the trap and then compared week 1 and week 2 catch. The weather is getting much cooler, therefore we are seeing fewer insects. Frost had spread on roofs Friday morning. We are so thankful that our school was chosen to participate in the School Malaise Trap Program and we cannot wait to see the results of our research!
In the News!
At HDCH, we are pretty excited to have our participation in the Malaise Trap Program in the local news!
Final Day!
The wind and cold are picking up as we sit in the grass writing our blog entry. There is a good amount of bugs in the bottle. We think that there are some male mosquitoes and lots of flies. The tent is being dismantled as we write – we think this experiment was a huge success! – Nadine, Olivia, Mackenzie
We wonder whether weather affects bugs?
Today was windy, cold and cloudy. The trap had to be tied down better. But, what affect does this have on our catch? It is so cool to be part of a big project like this. -Nathan, Logan, Andrew and Cohen