Archives par mot-clé : Canada

Congratulations to our 2015 Spring School Malaise Trap Program Participants!

Thank you to all who applied for this Spring’s 2015 version of the School Malaise Trap Program! This year, we received an overwhelming amount of applicants to the program (224 schools) from across Canada. We are thrilled with this response, and as such we hope to be able to increase the Fall 2015 program’s capacity to meet demand. It is because of your continued enthusiasm and support of the program that we have become so successful.

We are pleased to announce the following 64 schools and 6 reference sites have been accepted into the 2015 Spring School Malaise Trap Program. Congratulations to all!

2015 Spring School Malaise Trap Program Participants:

School Province
École Agnes Davidson Elementary School AB
Evergreen Elementary School AB
J.H. Picard AB
New Horizons School AB
Slave Lake Koinonia Christian School AB
Spruce View School AB
Cameron Elementary School BC
Charles Hays Secondary School BC
Citadel Middle School BC
Clearwater Secondary School BC
Cortes Island School BC
Departure Bay Elementary Eco School BC
George M. Dawson Secondary School BC
Merritt Secondary School BC
Nukko Lake Elementary BC
Queen Charlotte Secondary School BC
Suncrest Elementary BC
West Vancouver Secondary BC
École Précieux-Sang MB
Kleefeld School MB
Landmark Collegiate MB
Shoal Lake School MB
Belleisle Regional High School NB
Florenceville Middle School NB
Petitcodiac Regional School NB
Salisbury Middle School NB
Baccalieu Collegiate NL
Jakeman All Grade NL
Random Island Academy NL
St. Joseph’s All Grade School NL
St. Matthew’s School NL
Berwick and District School NS
Bridgetown Regional High School NS
Chedabucto Education Centre/ Guysborough Academy NS
Evelyn  Richardson Memorial Elementary School NS
Northport Consolidated Elementary School NS
Valley Elementary NS
Chesterville Public School ON
Craig Kielburger Secondary School ON
East York Collegiate Institute ON
Gary Allan High School ON
Iona Academy ON
John Polanyi Collegiate Institute ON
Monarch Park Collegiate ON
North Addington Education Centre ON
Notre Dame Catholic School ON
Oakridge Secondary School ON
Russell Public School ON
Scarlett Heights Entrepreneurial Academy ON
Silverheights Public School ON
Smiths Falls Collegiate institute ON
Teeterville Public School ON
Wellington Hall Academy ON
Woburn C I ON
Woburn C I (Eco Club) ON
Zion Heights JHS ON
Miscouche Consolidated School PEI
M.C. Knoll Elementary School SK
St. Peter’s School Sk
Vanscoy School SK
Whitewood School SK
Yellow Grass School SK
J. V. Clark School YK
Jack Hulland Elementary YK
Reference Site Province
Mount Moresby Adventure Camp BC
The Riverwood Conservancy ON
Camp Heildelberg Nature Centre ON
Blair Outdoor and Environmental Education Centre ON
Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre ON
Toronto Botanical Gardens ON

Thank you to all who applied and congratulations to our selected participants!

#SMTPselfie – Share your Malaise Trap Selfie and your class could win a prize!!

Today the School Malaise Trap Program team decided to start a new trend…taking a selfie with your Malaise trap! We are also offering a prize to classes who enter a selfie (yup, you can enter more than one)! We encourage all classes to participate and post your #SMTPselfie on our blog or tweet at us (@SMTP_Canada). You can also email us your selfie and we will post it on your behalf. Once a class has submitted their selfie, they will be entered into a draw for one of our prizes! Further prize details to come.

Check out our #SMTPselfie below!

Bee’s, Grasshoppers, and Flies at St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic School

Good afternoon,

St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic School is excited to report that over 16 organisms were caught in the Malaise Trap today! New additions include: a bee, a small grasshopper, quite a few black flies, and mosquitoes. Take a look:

Bee on top
Bee on top

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Success at Jack Chambers P.S.

Hello there, my name is Alex and I am from Jack Chambers Public School. My class and I were pleased today to go out to our Malaise Trap to find many bugs captured. A classmate and I also witnessed an insect fly into the trap when we were out this morning. We’re very lucky to have the Malaise Trap where it is at the moment. It is about a  minute walk from our school, and is located by a pond just off the boundaries of our school yard. We’ve gone out every day for the past 3 days. We plan to continue to go out everyday for as long as we have the Malaise Trap. Even though today was our third day going out we have only captured a days worth of insects due to our epic fail (our bottle fell off during the first day). We will make sure to get more bugs especially with the new bottle that we’re getting. Thank you for the cool trap!

-Alex 🙂

St. Charles College…up and running…and…cue freezing temperatures.

The trap at St. Charles College in Sudbury is up, running and visible from my classroom. Unfortunately for us, though, the weather became unseasonably cold and wet for the past few days. We have a few insects in the trap at this point, but not many. However, we are supposed to be in for some warm sunny weather for the remainder of the week; hopefully we get a lot more in the way of insects.

One thing I think would be useful would be clear plastic collection bottles. That way we could see what types of insects are actually in the bottle.

Curriculum Connection

Language Arts – Each student chose an insect common in Ontario and learned everything there was to know about that bug.  They presented their info orally and in Microsoft Powerpoint.

Students are extra excited to look for their bug in the trap and in the field 🙂

Claire Gulliver- Jack Chambers P.S.