Great set up yesterday, however we have very few insects collected. The set up is on a grass patch near the classroom. Students predict that we will not get much insect collection at this site due to the lack of vegetation.
Tag Archives: Ontario
St. Charles College…up and running…and…cue freezing temperatures.
The trap at St. Charles College in Sudbury is up, running and visible from my classroom. Unfortunately for us, though, the weather became unseasonably cold and wet for the past few days. We have a few insects in the trap at this point, but not many. However, we are supposed to be in for some warm sunny weather for the remainder of the week; hopefully we get a lot more in the way of insects.
One thing I think would be useful would be clear plastic collection bottles. That way we could see what types of insects are actually in the bottle.
Curriculum Connection
Language Arts – Each student chose an insect common in Ontario and learned everything there was to know about that bug. They presented their info orally and in Microsoft Powerpoint.
Students are extra excited to look for their bug in the trap and in the field 🙂
Claire Gulliver- Jack Chambers P.S.
Epic Fail @Jack Chambers
Today we went out to check on our trap for the first time. We discovered that the collection bottle had fallen off. So we decided to put the week two bottle on and are waiting for further instructions. We did see little bugs in the top bottle, so we know they’re out there!
Ready to go!
We are all set up and ready to start collecting! My students are very excited to go see what we’ve captured! They are all divided in groups and will take turns to record our daily activity! Stay tuned!
Forest Avenue Sets Up the Trap
Today our grade fours set up the trap at the front of the school. We set it in front of our garden so that the bugs still had a flyway across and into it. We’re excited. Many of our co-participants have such varied landscapes ~ fields, ponds, etc. It will be so interesting to compare the results! Many thanks to Evergreen for sharing their creative barcoding art activity. What a great way to bring the DNA concepts to one’s initial learning of it!

Westside Secondary goes buggy!
Westside Secondary School students in Mrs. Kelly’s SBI 3U class set up their Malaise trap today on our school property in Orangeville, Ontario.
We chose a spot on grass right next to a marsh area that is adjacent to our school property hoping that the vegetation of the comparatively undisturbed natural habitat might lead a larger number of insects being captured.
The weather was windy, posing a some challenges when it came to pegging it to the ground. We are going to have to go back out tomorrow to make sure that it is still in place and catching insects.
We took advantage of being outside and gave back to the environment by collecting garbage on our way back in from setting the trap up.
Pictures will follow!
CDCS Malaise Trap
The trap is in place not far from the barn and our public park. it was a bit of a challenge putting it together. The ground was wet due to a lot of rain. We are curious about what we will get in the trap.
Jack Chambers Public School – Malaise Trap Set Up
CECI – St. Thomas
The Grade 9 class of CECI will be setting up our trap today. We will discuss how the trap works and talk about ways to use the data we collect to understand biodiversity. Stay tuned for photographs of the deployment later today.