I think Forest Avenue won’t have the most bugs because on the blog all the pictures were about forests and swamps so it’s buggy there. We don’t have swamps and forests like the other schools. -K.
Archives par mot-clé : collecting
St. Paul Elementary School
St. Paul Elementary School is located in South Burlington, Ontario. Our trap has been deployed in the back of the schoolyard in a field where the students play during recess. One side of the field is adjacent to houses, another side has a bike path, and the third side has a track. Today was the third day that we monitored the trap.
Currently we have a catch volume of about 1.5. We have been very excited to check our collection bottle everyday. It contains a lot of very small flying insects, and at least one wasp and spider.
CECI – St Thomas
Epic Fail @Jack Chambers
Today we went out to check on our trap for the first time. We discovered that the collection bottle had fallen off. So we decided to put the week two bottle on and are waiting for further instructions. We did see little bugs in the top bottle, so we know they’re out there!
CDCS Malaise Trap
The trap is in place not far from the barn and our public park. it was a bit of a challenge putting it together. The ground was wet due to a lot of rain. We are curious about what we will get in the trap.
Trap Set Up
7Marr set up our Malaise Trap this morning. We struggled a little with the guy ropes, but got the trap set! Jack used a hammer. He was pumped! We are anxious to see what insects we collect and are looking forward to being a part of this project. Today’s temperature is 19 degrees, but it feels like 25. The skies are overcast and there was a lot of rain last night. #hammer #buglife