Archives par mot-clé : Hemiptera

BIO Has Set Up Their Malaise Trap!

Hello All,

We’ve had some lovely weather here in Guelph, ON over the past week and we thought that this would be a good time to set up our Malaise trap  here at BIO which we use for spring/summer/fall educational programming!

Malaise Trap at BIO (April, 2015)
Malaise Trap at BIO (April, 2015)












You can already see that the attached ethanol bottle (see the dark and cloudy areas) has collected a few insects (mostly flies).

However, there are more than just flies out there! Over the weekend, one of our E&O team members spotted a Leaf-footed bug on her balcony.

Leaf-footed bug (Family Coreidae)
Leaf-footed bug (Family Coreidae)

Reminder: Trap deployment is Monday, April 20th. Now would be a great time to finalize the location of your Malaise Trap. You may also wish to set up your Malaise trap on Friday, April 17th so that come Monday morning, all you will have to do is screw in the week 1 ethanol bottle and make trap observations.

We look forward to seeing what you collect!