On Friday, September 18th, we ventured up to Annie Laurie Lake and we found a perfect spot to set up our Malaise Trap (minus the collection bottle).

We couldn’t resist the opportunity for a class selfie!

We also spent some time in our Biology 30 class developing some questions for this field experiment:
- What species of Class Insecta are present in Preeceville (Annie Laurie Lake)?
- What is the representation of species (i.e. order, family) found in Preeceville (Annie Laurie Lake)?
- Are there species which are indigenous to our area and not found at any of the other collections sites?
- What information will DNA barcoding reveal about genetic relationships among the species found in our area?
On Monday morning, Miss Paterson will be placing the collection bottle on the Malaise Trap and she will check it through the week (although we are all probably going to be stopping by at some point to take a peek). We are excited to see what we catch!
Happy trappings!