We thought today’s cold, wet weather would scare our bugs away but they found refuge in our trap! It rained yesterday, and today’s high temperature is only 14C, with a low of 3C. There still seems to be plenty of bugs flying around under the flaps of our tent. Although, we do not see a huge variety of bugs in our bottle.
Archives par mot-clé : Patrick Fogarty Catholic SS
Day 3 of Patrick Fogarty’s Malaise Trap!
It’s day 3 of our School Malaise Trap Program we started at Patrick Fogarty Catholic Secondary School! We have already noticed some big and small bugs starting to be collected in our catching bottle. It has started out as cold mornings at about 8C everyday, but we end the afternoon with some warmer weather of about 21C and lots of sun! We are all excited to continue to watch our catch volume rise!